Nov.11, 2024

(Change of Disclosure Matters) Notice Regarding the Quality Data Falsification in the Ball Screws and Ball Ways Business Operated by TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD.
MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. (the "Company") previously announced its resolution to acquire the ball screws and ball ways business (the "Business") from TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD. ("TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA"), as detailed in the announcements titled "Acquisition of All Shares of the Newly Established Company by TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD." dated February 9, 2024, and "(Change of Disclosure Matters) Announcement of Change in 'Announcement of Acquisition of All Shares of the Newly Established Company by TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA CO., LTD.'" dated September 19, 2024.
Today, TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA disclosed the discovery of instances of data falsification in the quality inspection of ball screws (the "Quality Falsification") in the subject Business, leading to a temporary suspension of product shipments. Furthermore, TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA has established a special investigation committee of outside experts and started to thoroughly investigate the Quality Falsification (the "Investigation").
The transfer of shares was initially scheduled for December 10, 2024. However, the Company will conduct a thorough review of the results of the Investigation. This will include an analysis of the causes of the quality misconduct, the effectiveness of the measures taken to prevent a recurrence, the likelihood of similar cases occurring, and the impact of the Quality Falsification on the Business. Based on this analysis, the Company will determine whether to proceed with the acquisition of the Business and, if so, the terms and timing of the acquisition.
At present, there is no capital relationship between the Company and TSUBAKI NAKASHIMA, and this Quality Falsification will not affect the Company's consolidated business results. In addition, the impact of the change in the decision to acquire the Business and the timing of the acquisition on the Company's consolidated business results for the fiscal year ending March 2025 will be minimal.
Should any matters arise that necessitate disclosure, we will promptly communicate them as soon as they are identified.
Company Name: | MINEBEA MITSUMI Inc. |
Representative: | Yoshihisa Kainuma Representative Director, Chairman CEO (Code No. 6479 TSE Prime Market) |
Contact: | Yasuo Komine General Manager, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations Office |
Phone: | +81-(0)3-6758-6703 |
Product information, contact and other context are subject to change without prior notice.